Rod’s right, there’s something seriously wrong with you. Keep bringing up God, devil, hell when everyone has stopped giving a rat my friend about it. Ban the idiot already.
Notice ya did not say anything about " Who cares"
As far as that comment's only 1% of my responding post and it's in brackets. So don't focus on it.
Focus on the other 99% of my comment.
Blood Orange Robert G Iblly bobby b have it right.
So why is there a paid ad in the newspaper warning people not to trash their masks onto the ground /sidewalk ....
Because kids may grab touch the discarded masks....remember this virus survives for many days on surfaces.
Anyways that's how I see it.
Try to belittle me...try to put me down...bottom line friend I am no better or less than any member.
Everyone of us are equal because God made us...
We all are special. If you want to believe in apes as uncle ...that's your choice.
But to say Who cares ?
That kills communication.
Facilitate buddy.
As experts in communication say: there is no stupid question
Why do they say that?
Because they want people to not be scared to give their thoughts /questions....that is how we all learn.
Do not put people down just because ya are looking to be negative hateful.
Who are you ? The King ...go look in the mirror...
Honestly we all should look in the mirror would keep us all humble.