The article says the so called environmental damage is not an issue and that their a net benefit as reported by their professional biologist. Ethereal is the evidence that this removal is causing long term biological harm? The gravel is used in habitat restoration projects. This is not a mining operation where a proponent is profiting from extract and leaving a mess. And as noted by Jr. there are very few decent places on the river for fly fishers so now you have reduced our enjoyment of the river significantly. I don’t see this as a balanced decision at all.
He said/She said argument, depends on who and how you interpret it.
The gravel operation was never intended to be used for habitat restoration, and anyone who witnesses this extraction will tell you the same. The piles of gravel removed is NOT used for anything but making money.
And yes this is a mining operation, with very little benefit to flood mitigation and it certainly does leave a mess. Maybe not in the form of garbage, but how do you think those big parking lots where made? Trees where cut, ground was leveled for large storage of gravel for trucks to haul away to quarry's throughout the lowermainland, and who knows where else.
The whole river is full of quality locations for fly fishing, they just do not resemble the swimming pools most are used to in their back yard.