Sweet.... I'm going back in September so will have to try it out... How close are we talking about? 50ft?
In my case last night, around 30 ft. But it really depends on the bottom structure.
For my first hour I was chucking a 1 oz weight as far as I could to the last set of breakers nearest shore and trying to drift in. It was my first time fishing the surf and I was trying to read the water and understand what was going on out there.
I moved down the shore and start fishing in fairly tight, noticing that there was some calm water between the last breaker and the shore break, and a bit of sideways rip current. That was the ticket and I landed my limit in under a half an hour.
Suggest fishing a couple hours either side of high tide. The jig head worked well (shout out to Gooey). I got hits fishing it dead, slowly retrieving or twitching it .
Interestingly, all the fish were female, and I learned last night that redtails are viviparous, meaning they give birth live young. Weird to see amniotic sacks/wombs of the females full of developed, but not yet viable babies.