I've used guides in BC and never gave a thought to insurance matters until about 4 years ago when I was splitting kindling in northern BC at the fishing cabin and decided to create an 11th toe by splitting my left big piggy. As a Yank seasonal visitor, the one weekend option open to me was to bring C$1050 cash to the ER room . . . no credit cards, no USD, no checks, please. Since that time, I've paid a lot more attention (and now carry travel insurance that is valid for my time in BC . . . sadly, not this year) to insurance matters.
Is there a place to go to check on the type and coverage amount of guiding outfits' and lodges' insurance? It would be good to be able to read the fine print . . . "If your client contracts Covid-19 while fishing with you, they are/ are not covered by this policy" or maybe "If any member of your company's staff is infected by Covid-19, they are/ are not covered for private medical care."
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BTW, I am a huge fan of BC's health care professionals. The doctors, nurses, pharmacists and even drugstore shop assistants are extremely helpful, and always work to provide the highest level of care for the lowest out-of-pocket expense. It's a different philosophy than what I see in the Lower 48, though to be fair I don't live in the US so my experiences are those of a tourist, mostly in California.