Copypasted from my reply on Rod's FB post:
I agree there has been severe mismanagement by the DFO, and I honestly don’t think anyone would disagree with that. However, in order for the Fraser River Sport Fishing Alliance and the Fraser Valley Salmon society members to be taken seriously, the racist undertones and over tones need to be purged from the ranks.
Exhibit A is this: Listen to the guy in the background. This is REGULAR talk I hear from sport fisherman all year, many of whom are vocal members of the FRSFA and the FVSS. I hear it on the river, I hear it at Freds, I hear it at Sea Run, etc. It’s everywhere. I also hear it from prominent members in the fishing community. The message of sportfishers being allowed to fish, and reshaping DFO practices has been diluted to: “Natives are bad”, and it’s extremely harmful to the brand. Until that rhetoric is removed from it’s members, don’t expect much public support.
I can’t take either side seriously when there’s talk like that. And quite honestly, you and I know that type of talk heard in the video is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone reading this has heard much worse.