Is the river water dependent?
Hey Micky, we hope our first international trip to be a visit to your island so maybe you can return the favour!
Yes, the river is quite water dependent. Prior to the the first autumn rain fall, the river runs low and clear. There are salmon present but you have to adapt to the conditions, Typically, but not always, fishing is best in the the lower river and paying attention to the tides can be beneficial. It's generally assumed that bait and the dawn bite is most effective in these conditions. (speaking about coho here.)
After a rain, the fish will migrate more readily upstream and spread out through the system and typically become more bitey.
After a significant rain, the river will "blow out" and become difficult to fish due to the high murky conditions. Typically it drops back into fishable shape within a day or two of the rain stopping.
You'll notice I used the work "typically" a lot. Everyone's mileage varies and everyone has a story that will contradict everything I said! So take them as rules of thumb...
Old Blue's suggestions to watch Rodney's videos is bang on. Rod has a lot of instructive video content about the fall Vedder River salmon fishery.