The only thing I regret is your bad attitude.
Lol. that makes no sense. Like a lot of other guys your responses mostly reflect a sort of doctrine and not much thinking. Personally I don't enjoy watching poor catch and release procedure as I saw from
one video taken just a few weeks ago. I haven't been up there this summer. Can't justify the gas money.
I'd say c&r is better than a limit of 2 in this specific case. I'd also agree the northern end of the Sound should either be c&r or have a lower limit of 2 than the standard 4.
As to why DFO hasn't implemented something like that? Ask DFO. I have heard but can not confirm they don't really monitor the health of the pink salmon stocks in the Squamish though others do. Without some sort local or user group requests, the standard bag limit will apply. In tidal water that's 4. In river that's zero.
So I suggest people email, write or call them and ask to drop the limit of 4 in Areas 28-4 and 28-5... be sure to copy the Minister & the Provincial Minister.
cheers my friends.