Okay, I am feeling much better about keeping this fish. It is a good reminder to brush up on species identification for those times when you find an anomaly. I now feel like I have a few more tools in my pocket when I am confirming that my coho, is in fact, a coho. Unlike the calm, unmoving fish in Rod's videos, mine all seem to be thrashing around in the net when I am trying to identify them. I used to use a "clipped adipose, white gums, bonk!" sort of process. Now I'll add a look for spots and maxillary length.
Funny thing is that I've never had any trouble identifying species before but I think you all got insight into my paranoia around breaking the rules that had me wondering if my spotless salmon with red flesh was a hatchery sockeye.
As always, I appreciate the wisdom and support on this board.
Back to Nicomen on Wednesday, I think.