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Author Topic: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates  (Read 162700 times)


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #435 on: September 10, 2022, 05:59:24 PM »

There is lots of honor in putting food on the table. The Fraser sockeye fishey has been examined from every angle by FOs and COs and those that administer our angling regulations. They say it is legal.

Of course it is legal.... but many people have  zero interest in slamming a bare hook into the side of the head of a salmon and then yarding it up on the beach.  Very little skill / technique / challenge in this activity.  Certainly it is not fishing


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #436 on: September 10, 2022, 06:25:24 PM »

Of course it is legal.... but many people have  zero interest in slamming a bare hook into the side of the head of a salmon and then yarding it up on the beach.  Very little skill / technique / challenge in this activity.  Certainly it is not fishing
Your hook is not bare. Most guys are using a bead or corkie to give the hook some buoyancy. Not much difference in slamming a hook into a fishes mouth using different methods. Lol. Very thank full to have fresh sockeye to eat with family. My catch does not go to waste unlike the discarded rotting piles of sockeye being found elsewhere.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 06:39:20 PM by Wiseguy »


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #437 on: September 10, 2022, 06:32:35 PM »

Catching Sockeye is not fishing.....   It is snagging.  Harvesting.

Boring to many and when you factor in the cost of gas / time / gear - hardly worth the effort.

Two weeks ago people here were bemoaning the lack of sockeye openings and bashing the FN fishery. Now that sockeye is open to everyone it's "hardly worth the effort". Pick a lane, people ::)


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #438 on: September 10, 2022, 06:50:19 PM »

The government has allowed each person with a valid fishing license to harvest a total of 20 sockeyes in the 10 day period. That is a good thing for the ones who need the food, regardless whether you disagree with the method used. Any time a person can bring home fish for the family, be it sockeye, coho or chinook, is a good thing.
If the government is allowing this, then maybe the government wants all of us to stock up on food for the possible food shortages that is forecasted to begin in 2023. We have been spared in 2022 so far, with just price increases but not shortages. Next year may be a different story. If you can put some food away for the family then do so, because hard times are coming.


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #439 on: September 10, 2022, 07:05:29 PM »

Thanks Blood_Orange!

What I meant was I don't know where that fishing bar is. But I didn't know they filmed First Blood there. That's very interesting.

I totally agree that Fraser is a big river to figure out.

Here's a map of bar fishing locations along the Fraser. I'm sure some of them have changed since last winter's storms:

You can also Google "Fraser River bar fishing" to see photos of what these places look like.

Hope is a small town up the valley, on the way into the mountains. It's a 1-2 hour drive, depending on where you're coming from. The first Rambo movie, First Blood, was filmed there.

If you can afford it, hire a guide for a charter on the river. They'll have the boat, gear, and knowledge to get you into some fish. The Fraser is a big river to figure out, especially when your window of opportunity is so limited by time.


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #440 on: September 10, 2022, 08:06:06 PM »

Darko, in twenty years, I have caught one sockeye salmon in the tidal portion of the Fraser River when targeting them, and it's not due to a lack of trying. Also don't bother with the sockeye fishery in the non-tidal portion of the Fraser River, it's a waste of time, money and energy to legally foul hook a couple of fish to bring home.
Honestly I should've just listened to you. I went out to hope at gill road bar today and here was my experience. Fished from 10-5, hooked three fish, two fell off in like 5 seconds, the third was a bigger sockeye maybe 9-11 lb which fell off after 2 minutes. Meanwhile the whole time around me people were catching fish, over 100 fish must've been caught today. I was using the same tackle as everybody else, tried different size betties, 3 m leaders, yarn, corky, fishing the same area I had no luck. I found it very frustrating and disappointing. I have had such strong desire and want to catch some salmon as in my two years of fishing I have only caught a couple pinks when the tidal fraser was open. I really want to experience catching new species and different kinds of fish but I have limited opportunity because I'm only 17 and have no family that fish. I caught 3 fish in what I assume to be probably close to 30 hours of fishing during the tidal opening. I have fished Chilliwack river too probably 15 times and never had luck. Its not that I'm not well read. I read every single resource I can find on fishing and love fishing to death but salmon fishing has brought me much more trouble than joy. I don't want to whine and complain even though it sounds like it but I'm just sharing my experience. Today at gill road there were multiple people who brought groups of friends and would hand them the rod when the fish in 5 m away from shore as they would continue to catch fish after fish, much more than their limit. I called DFO and even 2.5 hours later nobody showed up even though they were there in the morning. Honestly one of the worst fishing experiences.
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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #441 on: September 10, 2022, 08:20:05 PM »

Honestly I should've just listened to you. I went out to hope at gill road bar today and here was my experience. Fished from 10-5, hooked three fish, two fell off in like 5 seconds, the third was a bigger sockeye maybe 9-11 lb which fell off after 2 minutes. Meanwhile the whole time around me people were catching fish, over 100 fish must've been caught today. I was using the same tackle as everybody else, tried different size betties, 3 m leaders, yarn, corky, fishing the same area I had no luck. I found it very frustrating and disappointing. I have had such strong desire and want to catch some salmon as in my two years of fishing I have only caught a couple pinks when the tidal fraser was open. I really want to experience catching new species and different kinds of fish but I have limited opportunity because I'm only 17 and have no family that fish. I caught 3 fish in what I assume to be probably close to 30 hours of fishing during the tidal opening. I have fished Chilliwack river too probably 15 times and never had luck. Its not that I'm not well read. I read every single resource I can find on fishing and love fishing to death but salmon fishing has brought me much more trouble than joy. I don't want to whine and complain even though it sounds like it but I'm just sharing my experience. Today at gill road there were multiple people who brought groups of friends and would hand them the rod when the fish in 5 m away from shore as they would continue to catch fish after fish, much more than their limit. I called DFO and even 2.5 hours later nobody showed up even though they were there in the morning. Honestly one of the worst fishing experiences.

You sure you meant Gill Rd? Gill Road is in Chilliwack....not Hope
If you did go to Gill Rd, where did you park? They blocked all the access off.


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #442 on: September 10, 2022, 08:23:00 PM »

You sure you meant Gill Rd? Gill Road is in Chilliwack....not Hope
If you did go to Gill Rd, where did you park? They blocked all the access off.
yes sorry I mean chilliwack, Everybody just parked on the road by the farms.. There are no signs right now but in the future im guessing there might.
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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #443 on: September 10, 2022, 08:50:50 PM »

Ya ya we get it wiseguy……it shouldnt be legal but it is so thats that , dfo is stupid, end of story


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #444 on: September 10, 2022, 08:54:29 PM »

And hey Darko, dont let this stupid fishery get you down, just stay away from it and let the wiseguys if the world feel like a champ for ten days


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #445 on: September 10, 2022, 08:54:48 PM »

Also I forgot to mention one thing. The way fish were beached then identified was quite unpleasant to see. I know its a meat fishery but seeing it all day does take the fun out of it even more. Pretty sure I saw a coho and spring or two bonked...
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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #446 on: September 10, 2022, 08:57:13 PM »

And hey Darko, dont let this stupid fishery get you down, just stay away from it and let the wiseguys if the world feel like a champ for ten days
yea I think you're right, I always like to try something for myself to experience it and I think I have made up my mind about this fishery. I will probably try once or twice more, use up the 40$ of gear I got and move on to better things
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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #447 on: September 10, 2022, 09:00:15 PM »

I thought the government is not to be trusted, the numbers were fabricated a month ago. ;) Now we should listen to them because they tell us it's ok to fish? ;D

Darko, the craving for these fish brings out the worst of people in every group. We saw it last month, we are seeing it this month. I choose not to be a part of loving a species to death.

When you decide to come out to the Vedder in a month from now, post it here, we'll see what we can do so you can have a good experience.


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #448 on: September 10, 2022, 09:21:48 PM »

yea I think you're right, I always like to try something for myself to experience it and I think I have made up my mind about this fishery. I will probably try once or twice more, use up the 40$ of gear I got and move on to better things
LOL... Bitch and complain about the fishery and how unpleasant it was, but go again to use up the gear...
Amazing how people can justify their actions.  Its legal.  Deal with it.  If you put a 100 people in one spot doing anything there will be some that have no respect and only think about themselves.  It happens every day on highways where some idiot drives 160kph with no regard for the others around them. 
Are you fishin or catchin


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Re: 2022 Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Updates
« Reply #449 on: September 10, 2022, 09:56:52 PM »

The way fish were beached then identified was quite unpleasant to see

Par for the course. And apparently the definition of 'mouth' also mysteriously becomes quite subjective during this time.  whatever it is about sockeye, apparently really does bring out the worst behavior.

I do notice that in sockeye years, there is specifically an increase of flossing and BBs brought directly to other systems immediately afterwards. Maybe sockeye are a gateway into salmon fishing for some newer participants or whatever, but the more experienced anglers who participate in this fishery better not be complaining if the same technique proliferates everywhere later this season. If legalized snagging is what you want, then it shouldn't be surprising if that's what you get