Dear Friends:
What to do about Salmon Poaching on the Fraser River.
Rather than just posting on this webpage, or similar Facebook pages I suggest you email DFO with cc to your MP (see and Joyce Murray the Ministry of Fisheries @ demanding immediate action be taken to deal with the situation.
While DFO may claim it lacks the resources to deal with it, the RCMP and the Provincial Conservation Officer Service are also able to deal with crimes of this nature.
Griping about it on line achieves nothing. Ditto for endless reposting of the same news story.
Here is a copy of whati have sent to Minister, DFO and my MP
Currently there is great concern among people familiar with the Fraser River about the poaching of sockeye salmon and illegal salmon sales in the area from Chilliwack BC into the Fraser Canyon from Hope BC to Lytton. As you may be aware the return of sockeye this year is much lower than expected. However it has thankfully been possible to provide a generous legal catch to First Nations peoples and even provide for a modest commercial and recreational fishery.
However despite the low return there seems to be little or no enforcement of illegal poaching of sockeye. Some people and organizations such as the British Columbia Wildlife Federation have suggested the loss of fish could be in the tens of thousands!
I urge all of you to ensure immediate action is taken to curtail these actions. I urge that whatever resources are available such as the RCMP and the Provincial Conservation Services be employed to make this happen immediately.
Thank you for considering my suggestions.