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Author Topic: Marine Park - Fort Langley Launch  (Read 3878 times)


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Marine Park - Fort Langley Launch
« on: November 03, 2022, 07:04:26 PM »

If I remember correctly before Covid, 2020. the was a sign up saying that the launch at this site was being upgrade, replaced, whatever.
I was there recently and found the launch to be just as bad or even worse than what it was a few years ago.
It is all broken up and uneven as you get into the water with you boat.
Who's looking after it? Township of Langley, GVRD
Does anybody have any new information about this launch?
Is it still going to be replaced, upgraded????


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Re: Marine Park - Fort Langley Launch
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2022, 01:24:09 AM »

The Township of Langley is the local authority responsible for the Marina Park boat launch.