I don't know where you get your figures but this mornings' Whistler Blackcomb forecast through next Thursday is about 16cm ofd total snowfall which is well below 10 feet. Fact is it is about half a foot. (
https://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/the-mountain/mountain-conditions/snow-and-weather-report.aspx @ approx 8:30 am date of this post. Note like all forecasts this may change within the hour)
You often say things that are just not credible but are in-credible in the true sense of the word.
Something else you are doing is predict the future and not look at the results. You also do it based on 2nd hand info or one or 2 data points. The snowpack reporting system uses over 90.
How 'bad' is the current situation. Depends on the watershed. Some areas like the Chilcotin (16%) are currently very low. Others are Ok. I'd say about 70% of average isn't that bad. Places like the Island and the Sechelt area can likely manage so that's ok compared to 2 years ago when the Sechelt reservoirs were all but dry.
I don't know how reliable all the regional reports are. For example Boundary had some dry years but this year and last it looks good. However there is only one data collection site in Boundary. From my knowledge of the Region I'd think that actual broad snow cover is more important vs the snowpack on the few relatively high peaks.