If anyone has been following release of lake oxygen levels this winter it looks like we are about to realize what is perhaps a record year for winter kill
Where would find this kind of info? Winter kill info seems to be a bit of a guarded secret, which I sort of understand as one would not want to make claims about winterkills (or lack of) that turn out to be incorrect. Measured O2 levels shouldnt really be a secret as it's just a measured quantified value. It would be interesting to compare with previous year's readings as well
I've been to two winterkilled lakes, and didnt find out about either until well after the fact. The first time was a partial kill, but still managed to get into a few, including my largest of the trip, so just because there's some winterkill doesn't mean it's not worth checking out, especially if it keeps everyone else away.
The other time was apparently a complete kill and unsurprisingly got skunked; not even a single object on the sounder.
For many lakes the transition from an uncharacteristically warm fall to ice over was so sudden the lakes had not gone through turnover leaving a large amount of living plant biomass to die and rot under the ice robbing the water of dissolved oxygen..
I've not really considered what mechanisms might make winterkill worse one some years vs another, other than length of ice-over. I wonder if the aerated lakes have fared any better.