Winterkill is normal, natural, and not unexpected, occurrence in the artificial fishery that we have created for ourselves.
While the Kamloops trout is native to some lakes in the region, the provincial fisheries/hatchery program has stocked trout into lakes where they didn't exist prior, has propagated various strains of trout outside their normal range, has genetically modified fish to maximize growth, uses artificial means to support fish populations, and builds structures to create/sustain fish-supporting bodies of water.
It's an artificial fishery that wouldn't exist without tax dollars and license fees.
Low dissolved oxygen in interior lakes is normal, natural, not unexpected, and has been happening for many hundreds of years. It just becomes a tragedy when it shatters the hopes and dreams of thousands of stillwater anglers and represents a loss of hundreds of thousands (millions?) of dollars worth of hatchery stock.
The province has created a world class fishery that is a significant economic driver. This isn't meant to be a criticism of that. But let's face's a largely artificial fishery propped up by millions of dollars of annual investment and winterkill is a natural occurrence that impacts an unnatural process.
Caveat: a bit of a troll post, but I believe most of it