17 million is the current estimate.
In 2021, pinks opened in the tidal area from Sept 3 to Sept 18 - 4 per day.
PSC reports are hard to link but here's the text of the Aug 18 report (Fraser River Panel Weekly Report):
The Fraser River Panel met Friday, August 18, to receive an update on the migration of Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed. It is currently estimated that 689,300 sockeye and 31,500 pink salmon have passed the Mission hydroacoustics site. The Panel adopted a run size of 310,000 Early Summer-run sockeye with an associated Area 20 timing of July 24, 800,000 Summer-run sockeye with an associated Area 20 timing of August 13 and 17,000,000 pink salmon with an associated Area 20 timing of August 13.