returning to the topic;
Escapement past mission is now over 9 million as of yesterday. Looks like 2023 will be an unplanned experiment on do high escapements result in high returns in the following cycle or is it the other way around.
Yesterday I walked the Harrison from Kilby Park to the mouth, casting flies and spoons. Didn't have a strike. Didn't see a pink. Very low effort underway there. Where are all the fish?
I don't think the lower fraser is gonna have a good return of pinks, you were right i think most of these fish are distanced north of hells gate. The floods did have a big impact.
I am saying this because every pink i have caught has been in dime bright quality, where previous two cycles i was into big humpies. This year i swore i caught all females' and half ended up to be males. Only a couple had bit of a hump. Seems like there is not much of later run.
so was the return a bit "early" this year or is the later timed component of the run just very poor, kinda seems like the latter.
you were bang on with lots of your assessment Ralph
so ill leave you with this
“For there is assuredly nothing dearer to a man than wisdom, and though age takes away all else, it undoubtedly brings us that.”