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Author Topic: Next Federal election  (Read 10110 times)


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2023, 08:41:44 PM »

We also have a significant aging-out population and few people available to fill the basic jobs that need filling, the jobs the resident entitled millennials can't be seen dead doing, so what do you suggest Government do? Build cheap housing first? Dictate to private property owners, municipalities and corporate Canada to sell land for less?, Rona and Home depot to sell materials for less? Build for cheaper? Then open your doors to immigration?

I don't disagree with what you posted here, but you simply cannot bring in people from other countries if there is no where for them to live. It's common sense.

As for the entitled millennials? Yes it's strange. Half of them want to be tik tok influencers, and it seems that more and more young women who are even reasonably attractive are making their fortunes on OnlyFans. I'm not sure what is so bad about a little hard work. I actually enjoy it. Keeps me in good shape.
My son got into trades right out of high school and makes very good money. He works hard and is good with his money, but he has no chance at a getting a house.

As for the aging population....well....that is another can of worms.
You only have to look at history to know that the strongest most complete nations are the countries with the strongest families. Again....that is a fact. History has proven it time and time again.
Canada and America were very good examples of that in the early/mid 20th century....and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family. What happened next? It was obvious what would happen. So many women were having fewer babies or not having children at all.....and what was the result? Well duh....of course you are going to have an aging population. And now it's a world wide disaster.
The nuclear family has been systematically destroyed and now every developed nation on the globe is paying dearly for it.
You must have strong families to have a strong society. It's not arguable.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 08:43:52 PM by SuperBobby »

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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2023, 09:25:35 PM »

Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family.

Utter hogwash. They are entitled to having a career just like men. What a chauvinistic comment.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 09:44:47 PM by Fish Assassin »


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2023, 09:30:57 PM »

blaming women now..... really......

Claiming your  ridiculous posts are factual or not arguable... LOL does not make it so.......
« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 09:33:32 PM by sumasriver »


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2023, 11:10:47 PM »

« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 04:42:43 PM by dobrolub »


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #64 on: September 15, 2023, 08:32:39 AM »

The last time I checked, a couple in a long term committed relationship were a nuclear family. Historically we did not have nuclear families, we had extended families. Those families included grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Some of these would often, perhaps more often than not, lived with the so called nuclear family. Sometimes that family would include cousins of the young children who for whatever reason may no longer have parents to care for them.

Yes that is mostly gone from a segment of our society. However not so for many recent immigrants. Next door the household has 4 generations under the same roof. The adult children live with their parent and grandmother. The young women have careers and a family because their are older adults for care for them Life is pretty diverse.

One problem I see with the reactionary conservatives is they make up myths and then claim history proves their point when it does nothing of the sort. That's another myth. Anyone who knows much about history will tell you it is doubtful history can prove anything.
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #65 on: September 15, 2023, 10:10:14 AM »

NDP/Liberal Coalition is set to have a dynasty.

A few years ago i joined the conservative party just to try and vote to get peter mckey in. Unfortunately the radical right alberta wing of the party pretty much killed all hopes of have a more progressive conservative party.

Some of the BC conservative MP's are more left leaning, for the environment ect ect ect... but they are not in control of the party.

The whole trucker convoy stuff has damaged the party considerable and they are not doing a good job of separating themselves from it. Some of the stuff they are being hit with are Liberal talking points (con party being against abortions ect..) meant to make them look like right wing crazies. Some of it is most definitely there own doing. 



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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2023, 06:18:36 PM »

and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family.

Lol, this isn't a person expressing genuine ideas. The troll is too strong ::) Reminds me of RobertG, who was banned a couple of years ago for incendiary posts.


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #67 on: September 17, 2023, 01:30:39 AM »

I don't disagree with what you posted here, but you simply cannot bring in people from other countries if there is no where for them to live. It's common sense.

As for the entitled millennials? Yes it's strange. Half of them want to be tik tok influencers, and it seems that more and more young women who are even reasonably attractive are making their fortunes on OnlyFans. I'm not sure what is so bad about a little hard work. I actually enjoy it. Keeps me in good shape.
My son got into trades right out of high school and makes very good money. He works hard and is good with his money, but he has no chance at a getting a house.

As for the aging population....well....that is another can of worms.
You only have to look at history to know that the strongest most complete nations are the countries with the strongest families. Again....that is a fact. History has proven it time and time again.
Canada and America were very good examples of that in the early/mid 20th century....and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family. What happened next? It was obvious what would happen. So many women were having fewer babies or not having children at all.....and what was the result? Well duh....of course you are going to have an aging population. And now it's a world wide disaster.
The nuclear family has been systematically destroyed and now every developed nation on the globe is paying dearly for it.
You must have strong families to have a strong society. It's not arguable.

I don't believe he is trolling. Their is some merit to his arguments.

We need a certain amount of immigration. Enough to fill vacant jobs and add to the tax base but not to much that it puts a strain on government services. Too much also adds to inflation. Only a certain amount of goods and services to go around including housing. That's exactly why the liberals have pulled back with future targets.

I also feel for your son about buying a home. I think alot of the frustration young people are feeling is that they were sold a lie. Get a good education and you can enter the middle class which now takes a doctor's salary instead of a tradesmen salary. Wish I had the answer.

I also agree about strong families. Data shows this without question. I just disagree on how we got here. I don't believe birth control or feminism cased this. Inflation has caused this. My parents mothers both did not work. The majority of women didn't have to work because the salary men made were enough to support a family and middle class life style. Now a days multiple incomes are needed just to stay a float let alone enter the middle class. Mom and dad are to busy grinding to provide for the family that it's left the family unit weaker and stressed to the point where it breaks down and doesn't function as well. Also the harder you make it economically on young people, the less chance they will have children off their own.

I believe right and left are alot closer on issues than it appears. Silly social issues get in the way of having civil discussions. We need to put these aside and come together united as workers and take on the real threats. Huge corporations like black rock and vanguard. These two corporations have 16 trillion in market cap. Thats unacceptable. we also need to eliminate or cap donations to political parties by corporations and sharpen the tax code to a more progressive one for both individuals and businesses on both sides of the border.

I think Thomas Jefferson had said it best

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
Still has merit till this day and was said in 19th century.



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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #68 on: September 17, 2023, 08:02:50 AM »

The decline of the birth rate is by no means unique to Canada. It is a feature of modernity. Radically better medical care, education and birth control leads to smaller families. Once women have a choice, on average they choose to have far fewer children. It  has happened in Europe and North America now it is happening in Asia particularly in Japan and the so called Asian Tigers. It  is also happening in China which some say may see it's population drop by close to 50% by the end of the century. The birth rate is also rapidly slowing down in India as it modernizes it's social-economic system. The population in the US and Canada will continue to grow as both allow immigration and are attractive places for people from other countries. You can compare that to Japan and now China where as their birth rates dropped have seen their economies stagnate since they are not attractive to immigrants nor do they permit it.

Housing is expensive but no impossible to obtain. My son and his spouse recently bought a condo in downtown Vancouver. It cost as much or more than a house in the valley. My daughter otoh who is self employed, lives with us and can't find an affordable rental place. The real crisis is in rental housing and solving the problem will rely more on building rental housing and affordable strata dwellings that are accessible and by that I mean not bought by investors and run as sub-lets or air bnb style operations. Not talked about by PP is that most of the cost of a single family dwelling is the land and it will be very hard for any policy to lower the value of land.


PS Andrew Coyne has a good column in the Opinion section of the Globe and Mail. Basically he argues that both parties are fooled if they think housing prices can be budged lower over the course of 5 years or so. He also points out that millions of home owners have a vested interest in the current price structure and one of the causes of it - namely the Capital Gain tax exemption on residential housing. Requires a subscription, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 10:36:51 AM by RalphH »
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #69 on: September 17, 2023, 11:26:02 AM »

The decline of the birth rate is by no means unique to Canada. It is a feature of modernity. Radically better medical care, education and birth control leads to smaller families. Once women have a choice, on average they choose to have far fewer children. It  has happened in Europe and North America now it is happening in Asia particularly in Japan and the so called Asian Tigers. It  is also happening in China which some say may see it's population drop by close to 50% by the end of the century. The birth rate is also rapidly slowing down in India as it modernizes it's social-economic system. The population in the US and Canada will continue to grow as both allow immigration and are attractive places for people from other countries. You can compare that to Japan and now China where as their birth rates dropped have seen their economies stagnate since they are not attractive to immigrants nor do they permit it.

Housing is expensive but no impossible to obtain. My son and his spouse recently bought a condo in downtown Vancouver. It cost as much or more than a house in the valley. My daughter otoh who is self employed, lives with us and can't find an affordable rental place. The real crisis is in rental housing and solving the problem will rely more on building rental housing and affordable strata dwellings that are accessible and by that I mean not bought by investors and run as sub-lets or air bnb style operations. Not talked about by PP is that most of the cost of a single family dwelling is the land and it will be very hard for any policy to lower the value of land.


PS Andrew Coyne has a good column in the Opinion section of the Globe and Mail. Basically he argues that both parties are fooled if they think housing prices can be budged lower over the course of 5 years or so. He also points out that millions of home owners have a vested interest in the current price structure and one of the causes of it - namely the Capital Gain tax exemption on residential housing. Requires a subscription, unfortunately.

China's falling birth rate has more to do with the one child policy than anything else. Which was around for 35 years till 2016.

Rental prices are a direct correlation to real estate prices and interest rates. When land lords feel economic pain it's passed on to the rental market. Air b&b are also a problem. They are very attractive to landlords for high monthly incomes with out the baggage that can come with long term renting. I was a land lord from 2009 till 2019. The pandemic scared me enough not to rent in fear my tenant loosing their income. Also that evictions were banned for a few years. All of this put even more pressure on rental prices.

I agree with the article you posted. Governments can do very little to fix the real estate issues we are facing. That's why the bank of Canada has raised interest rates so quickly. Even though they are to blame for this mess for leaving them to low for to long. Its the last tool in the tool box to control housing. I believe these interest rates are here to stay for long term which by historical average, are still not all that high.


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #70 on: September 17, 2023, 02:25:53 PM »

China's falling birth rate has more to do with the one child policy than anything else. Which was around for 35 years till 2016.

No. China's fertility rate currently ranks 198th in the world, among the lowest of all countries.  The rate hasn't gone up since 2016 and is projected to stay low plus it now has a 2 child policy though the current birth rate is about 1.2 per couple. A birth rate of 2 will not maintain a population at a stable level. Chinese women are still required to wear IUDs

I also should mention that another outcome of China's fertility policy is a gender imbalance as male children were favored. There will be a mate available for many men who want to marry and have a family.

Rental prices are a direct correlation to real estate prices and interest rates. When land lords feel economic pain it's passed on to the rental market. Air b&b are also a problem.

In BC the Province caps rent increases:

ditto for Manitoba, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia
« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 04:04:22 PM by RalphH »
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2023, 10:41:08 PM »

No. China's fertility rate currently ranks 198th in the world, among the lowest of all countries.  The rate hasn't gone up since 2016 and is projected to stay low plus it now has a 2 child policy though the current birth rate is about 1.2 per couple. A birth rate of 2 will not maintain a population at a stable level. Chinese women are still required to wear IUDs

I also should mention that another outcome of China's fertility policy is a gender imbalance as male children were favored. There will be a mate available for many men who want to marry and have a family.

In BC the Province caps rent increases:

ditto for Manitoba, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia

What do you think I ment by a one child policy? Males were preferred by most Asian countries.

You can post what ever article you want on rent. Their % mean nothing. Once one gets evicted they have to bare the market reality which is far behind those figures the government wants you to believe. Right now in the lower mainland it's $1100 per bedroom. At least from langley to Vancouver. Could be less further east.

I fear the day my dad gets evicted from his house in Richmond where he's been paying 2k. 2k gets nothing in today's market.


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #72 on: September 18, 2023, 07:15:47 AM »

What do you think I ment by a one child policy?

I don't know
"It is obviously, incontestably true that a senile president with a competent and ethical staff would be preferable to an authoritarian one who wants to fill his administration with guys who sound like school shooter manifestos " ...Adam Serwer writing in The Atlantic July 3, 2024


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Re: Next Federal election
« Reply #73 on: September 18, 2023, 09:45:21 AM »

Dialogue is always good; but there won't be an election until Oct 2025