I've had a response to my enquiries this morning.
"In recent seasons the river would open for Rec. HM Coho retention when it opens for Chum retention. However, given current historically low in-season abundance status of Fraser Chum returns (Ref. FN1150: Fraser Chum Update), there are no plans this season to open Fraser mainstem for Chum. It also looks like Coho encounters at Albion TF continue to be very low in recent days, including this past weekend."
My response.
"That response frankly frustrates me quite a bit for a couple of reasons. In the past twenty years+ years, we have had years when hatchery coho salmon retention is open while chum salmon fishing is closed in the Lower Fraser River. Even right now, we have hatchery coho salmon retention available while chum salmon fishing is closed in terminal fisheries in the Lower Fraser tributaries, so I can’t see why this isn’t possible in the Lower Fraser. Does the department know what the incidental by-catch of chum salmon by rec anglers while targeting coho salmon in the Lower Fraser? From my own personal experiences, fishing in the tidal portion from 1995 to 2015, my total number of chum salmon encounters was in the single digit while targeting coho salmon. They simply don’t bite, like sockeye salmon.
Secondly, why does it matter what the Albion TF numbers are when determining the hatchery coho salmon rec opening in the Lower Fraser? Our group is looking for opportunities to recreate, and we do not have a harvest goal or number that we want to achieve. Opening this fishery up would only benefit the entire Region 2 community. For one, it provides opportunities for those who have no access to the terminal fisheries (senior anglers, family with little kids, those who cannot drive). Two, it spreads effort out and takes pressure off the few terminal fisheries that we have at the moment."