I know a bunch of small stream keepers that got denied and all they asked for was small stuff like tools to help like a generator to keep eggs alive, shovels to plant trees, gravel to restore areas, wood to create flood control and riparian areas.
the government tosses money at these groups to shut them up, they use 80% of the money to fund their administration costs, boat rides to picture perfect wildlife areas, helicopter rides, full time staff, rent ect ect ect...
Ducks Unlimited Canada got 5 million, They have a CEO that makes over 250k
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), will work with partners to implement three large-scale projects to restore key Fraser River estuary tidal marsh habitat and access to these critical habitats for the benefit of COSEWIC-listed Fraser River chinook, coho, steelhead, and sockeye salmon populations, as well as other juvenile salmon populations, white sturgeon, and other wild BC fish stocks. These efforts aim to reverse the effects of human-caused impacts to the Fraser River estuary, which, combined with the anticipated future effects of sea-level rise, severely impair ecological resilience and wild BC salmon survival.
BC Conservation Foundation (BCCF)
Led by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, the ‘Innovative Habitat Restoration Demonstration’ is a multi-year, watershed-scale demonstration project to showcase innovative habitat restoration methods that accommodate the effects of recent ecosystem shifts with benefits to chinook, coho, sockeye and steelhead. The project will promote restoration, protection and maintenance of healthy and diverse salmon populations and their habitats.
Mooreee sudy!
Island Marine Aquatic Working Group
Funding will support the establishment of a Vancouver Island Salmon Committee and supporting Technical Working Group. This collaborative initiative will bring together local expertise, traditional Indigenous knowledge, and local knowledge specific to Vancouver Island and mainland inlet chinook populations, to support efforts to rebuild Southern BC chinook, and to inform broader efforts to conserve and restore all salmon species of Vancouver Island and mainland inlets.
400k to have meetings? woopty dooo