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Author Topic: 2024 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 28406 times)

chris gadsden

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With the heavy rain for a bit last night I was surprised to see the water fish friendy this morning. I was fortunate to land 3 clipped coho salmon, 1 mis clip released and 1 wild with a chum salmon sent on its way too, many misses, all on roe. Spoons, blades and beads were successful for other anglers too.

Fish Assassin

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Good to see your reports again.

chris gadsden

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Good to see your reports again.
Thanks had not fished the Vedder for 3 years.

Fish Assassin

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Thanks had not fished the Vedder for 3 years.

You have time to fish and hunt now that you are no longer the Leaf advisor. ;D

chris gadsden

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Went below KWB this afternoon and cleaned up some litter. The fellow doing the creel survey for FOC helped me too. H
e said fishing was quite slow today.

chris gadsden

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Some of your may remember The Journal I wrote on this web site for many years.

Here is a very short one that I wrote as sort of an add on to the post I made earlier.

It was good to have baked coho salmon once again for supper.  Half a fish filet coated with mayonnaise with sliced onions on top.
Vegetables that included Joiner's Corn, potatoes and some yellow beans  made an enjoyable meal.

This was the results of getting out on the Vedder River after not fishing it for 3 years partly because of the crowds and losing the desire to fish after so many years of angling.

I often think of my dad Allan Gadsden a life time ocean angler reaching the same point in his life as well.. At 80 he told me he should get back out there but he never did.

Well dad at 81 I did back out today on the Vedder River maybe it was at the urging of friend Sebastian the helped me bring my fishing equipment out of the mothballs.
I think my 50 plus year old Avon Supreme was eager to be on the flow once again.

The fishing was very good, a little recap off the outing.

 With the heavy rain for a bit on Wednesday night I was surprised to see the water fish friendy this morning. I was fortunate to land 3 clipped coho salmon all retained, 1 mis clip Coho salmon released and 1 wild Coho Salmon and a Chum salmon sent on its way too, Many misses and fish lost in between, all on roe.

Spoons, blades and beads were successful for other anglers too, all enjoying the bounty of the river.

Many other fishers I am sure will be enjoying fresh salmon like we did tonight too.

Who knows I might return to the river again just like the salmon that are now returning to their natal river from tthe ocean once again this fall.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 07:40:11 PM by chris gadsden »


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It is great to see your journal again chris! My dad used to read them before he would take me out. I'm glad I now get to read them before I head out!


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That's good news Chris... good to hear you are back dangling a line in the water at 81. Makes me think there is hope for me yet as I always wanted to fish to about the same age. Twelve years to go!
It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so!" ...Mark Twain

chris gadsden

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As expected fishing was a lot slower today, not a bite for us in the spot where I had success yesterday.After about 90 minutes of hoping to see the float go down it was time to move.

 Saying that some others were landing a mixture of Coho salmon and Chinooks in the same run we were fishing. 2 anglers just below me had 3 Coho Salmon and a Chinook Salmon.

When I am not having any success in one spot one should take the time to do a little exployering.Indeed we found a small spot no one was fishing. It did not look that great but it did have some fish in it as Sebastian had a fish on, on his first cast no less. I had a couple of misses then had a nice coho on briefly but my 8 pound test leader came untied at the swivel, served me right for not changing it after yesterdays trip.

 A few casts later I was into another and this time the leader held and a nice coho doe made the beach. I had a couple of other takes but the cold east wind got the better of us and time for lunch anyway.

One the way out we observed a good number of Chum Salmon in a side channel that were busy making their redds to start another generation of fish.

Happy Thanksgiving to all on this forum and hope you get out and have some success, if not there is always turkey to enjoy with family and friends.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 08:37:39 PM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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Lots of people out enjoying a lovely Fall morning today. I had a lot of bites a good number of Coho Jacks this morning, they enjoyed stealing my roe.Once the sun shone down on the river the action stopped.

Only brought 2 adults to shore, both wild. River dropping now of course but I hear rain is on the way so that will change things bringing more fresh fish in. The 2 adult Coho Salmon I landed were very bright.

The Vedder Canal area very popular this morning in all the fishable spots of course, parking at a premium.

chris gadsden

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Bite was only on from just after 7 until 8 and then nothing next 1 hour. Thought I would use roe bags to help save roe but only landed 1 wild on them, lost  4 or 5.

Switched to straight pro cured roe and land one nice hatchery buck for the table.

I talked to a couple of other anglers and they also said the bite was short this morning.

The coming rain may help improve things althought moving into the later part of this month I find things slow down some..

chris gadsden

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The river was not giving to me like it was yesterday as we did not have one take down. Of course the flow may not have been full of fish it certainly was full of people on every run. I am sure it will be good tomorrow when most of you are back at work. ;D

chris gadsden

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Fishing was a little better today than yesterday, of course with no float down yesterday one chance would be more encouraging. Water was up a tad as well yesterday with good visibilty even with the rain we had yesterday.

To conserve roe I went with roe bags for the most part this morning, of course not as messy as well, my wife hates the smell of roe in the house. Trying to reach 60 years of marriage in a few months from now, so centainly do not want to threaten that milestone in our lives. Bringing a fish home helps too. I think back to when I first started fishing the Vedder River in the 1970's it took me a while to catch my fitrst coho salmon but teaching from the Master finaly paid off.

The first two chances this morning saw 2 coho lost after a brief tussle. The second was a nice chrome fish and the coho salmon was pleased to gain its freedom while it ws airborne.

My third opportunity was more succesful with a nice hatchery buck coho salmon coming to hand.

That was the only activity for me so time to give something back to the river. I went down to the two gravel bars below KWB to do a litter cleanup that I had planned to do yesterday afternoon but did not.

It was not too bad as only got 3 quarters a garbage bag filled, litter that will not end up in the ocean during the next high water event. There is litter along the dyke road where people toss their coffee cups etc. but too tired to tackle it today.

Fishing appeared to be slow in this area as only saw 3 fish on the beach for maybe 40 or so anglers. Maybe the salmon run is starting to slow down from what it has been a few days ago.


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thanks for the reports chris!


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Awesome reports Chris! Glad to see you are out there making the most of it!