Comparing different fish is like comparing an apple and an orange.
I like them all....
Last night, Nina and I made this fantastic dinner with the red spring jack that we were given. I'll be posting the recipe soon...
We are still working on the only red spring that we took home this year. Fantastic steaks indeed.
Never really had sockeye.
Already have enough fish to eat usually, so I've never bothered to actually go and buy socks.
In September and October I eat coho three or four times per week, beautiful fish either pan fried or grilled.
Last year I had a chance to use Steelhead King's smoker and smoked up some chum salmon, really good! Normally I would be deep frying chum salmon. The roe, good eating, and also good bait.
Pink salmon, I only eat the ones I get around Richmond. Still ocean fresh, beautiful on the grill.
Salmon head, never wasted. They are made into miso soup normally.