You surprise me doc...I thought conservation was important to you regardless of species!
Lucky...edjucate yourself...I dont have a clue about how old a 13 inch tommy cod is or their max life (bet its more than 5 years tho). My guess is that your 13 inch tommy is not much more than a year old so it probably never spawned. You only find tiny ones because no one allows them to live past a year! PS luck smelts are a totally absurd comparison...considering there are millions of them available. Trout is even a bad example as many ponds are stocked, others have winter kill, either way those fish SHOULD be harvested.
And AHans, why do you think stating conservation corncerns is "stirring the pot"?
i totally agree with conservation and the need to address fishing practices.
but gooey....
you still haven't learned your lesson. just like 'the other' site, you go 'kamakaze' without taking the time to look at all the facts....
tommy cods are the smallest of their species. maximum length is 12 inches. 4 lbs is worthy of a nomination and registration for the national record.
ponds and lakes are stocked because of the depletion of the wild stocks. winter kills and other forms of extermination is used to balance the two. it was however, originally intended to control ferrel species.
when i was a boy, i remember seeing millions of smelts along the stanley park seawall, during their yearly migration. now due to over fishing, you'd be lucky to see hundreds.
there is no such thing as absurd, when referring to conservation. no species is immune to extinction.