waters of the Fraser River (downstream of the CPR bridge at Mission)
Effective 00:01 October 9 to 23:59 December 31, you may retain:
- two (2) hatchery Coho per day (No retention of wild Coho);
- four (4) Chinook per day, only one of which may be greater than 50 cm;
- four (4) chum per day; and
- four (4) pink per day.
Fraser River Non-Tidal waters CPR bridge at Mission upstream to the Highway No.
1 Bridge at Hope
Effective 00:01 October 12 to 23:59 December 31, you may retain:
- two (2) hatchery Coho per day (No retention of wild Coho);
- four (4) Chinook per day, only one of which may be greater than 50 cm;
- two (2) chum per day; and
- four (4) pink per day.
Fraser River Non-Tidal waters (Highway No. 1 Bridge at Hope upstream to the
confluence with Sawmill Creek)
Effective 00:01 October 15 to 23:59 December 31, you may retain:
- two (2) hatchery Coho per day (No retention of wild Coho);
- four (4) Chinook per day, only one of which may be greater than 50 cm;
- two (2) chum per day; and
- four (4) pink per day.
These opportunities are being provided on hatchery Coho only and do not pose a
threat to upper Fraser and Thompson River Coho stocks as they have already
migrated through the lower Fraser River.
Fishing for salmon in the non-tidal waters of the Fraser River is allowed
during daylight hours only, from one hour before sunrise to one hour after
sunset. Please check your local paper for sunrise and sunset times.
Anglers are reminded that a hatchery Coho means a Coho salmon that has a healed
scar in place of the adipose fin.
Variation Order No. 2004-474
This reflects a change to the BC Freshwater Salmon Supplement. The online
version of this guide will be updated within 24 hours of this notice, please