Well I been doing alotta runs up north lately, Most of the guys I been talking to a been complaining about how most of the sockeye have been showing up with sores all over them for the last few years. Apperantly there have been studies been done and the sores match exactly the sores that GI's where getting during the first world war, when the germans and allies where using nerve gas,and mustard gas, to no end.
Well the Canadain military have admitted to dropping nerve gas and deisel fuel from the "first and second world war"!! in the straight of Jaun de Fuca in the late 40's.
All the guys I been talking to have not eaten a worthy sockeye in a couple years.
They been complaining about Alcan and how thet have not been releasing enough water to sustain the Stuart run from the Nachacko River.!!(water temps to high). All the fish have had the flesh cooked off them before they reach Prince George!! In a couple more years there will be "No More Stuart Run"!! IMHO the only reason for this, is the greedy politicians can justify the the export of our water. The "North American Water and Power Alliance" is in affect and real!!!. No More fish, no reason to worry about where the water goes! The Americans are out of water in the south west!!! They have been building a huge aqua duct from S Cal. to N. Cal. for the last few years. (It is in compleation now) I'm sure it's not because of N. Cal. has a an expodential amount of water!! ( The Columbia, Skagit, and Fraser, can all be redirected within 10 years). I will leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions from here. At some point somebody has to wake the others, weather you hear the call is up to you.
.....(I will not stand on a silent platform any longer).