would you believe it. after miles of hiking and about 150 dollars of gas and gear, i finally hooked and landed my first hatchery coho... talk about getting the 'monkey off my back'. on top of that, it was a nice doe (maybe 8 lbs) that was slightly 'off chrome', but very clean and full of tight roe.
i caught it past mid river, using white wool with red eyes, on a #2 hook. 20 inches of leader and 10 inches of float to swivel/weight... i also found procured roe to be effective, but produced more spring strikes, than cohos.
i spotted a few pools of fish sitting at bottom, but found they were lathargic....tailouts, prior to river bends seem to hold the freshest and cleanest fish, still readily taking 'bait'.
for those who still haven't landed any hatchery cohos.....if you don't give up....chances are, you'll land one before the end of the season.
...perseverance is key.