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Author Topic: Another day on the flow, January 22nd  (Read 8266 times)


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Re: Another day on the flow, January 22nd
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2005, 05:28:29 PM »

If you're concerned about the impact of the Internet on small streams, but still would like to publish a report, I would suggest a good compromise might be to disguise the name of the stream with deliberate misspellings, character substitutions, odd spacing or something, so that search engines can't find it.  Like 'W e a v e r'.  Once it's off the first page or two of the forum, chances are very little damage will be done.

On that note, responding to such a thread also defeats the purpose of complaining about people publicizing 'secret' spots, since it bumps it back to the top for another few days.  Don't reply if you think a spot shouldn't be given more publicity.  And start some new threads to move it off the front page and further distract readers.   ;D

Rodney, you might consider editing sensitive posts in that way, or even mark the whole site as off limits to search engines, though in that case you would have to rely on them to obey the Robots meta tag.

chris gadsden

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Re: Another day on the flow, January 22nd
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2005, 12:03:12 AM »

I believe we some time take where we are fishing a little too seriously. There are hundred's of spots even in the Lower Mainland where you can find fish, it only takes time to be able to search them out and when it is the best time to fish them. Really there is not many secrets out there as there is countless books, magazines articles, TV shows etc. on general area's to fish on most rivers, lakes and streams in the Province.

Also the last several years guiding has become big business and they take their clients to the best spots possible so word gets out fairly quickly where they have been angling I would think.

Changing water levels and conditions can change an area on any river from one day to the next, this is what what makes fishing such a fun and challenging sport.

Take for example the Vedder, likely the most heaviest fished river in the Province but with a little effort you can find area's to fish where there is hardly any pressure but I will not tell you where they are. ;D ;D ;D

I believe the strong points of this forum is we share so much with each other and even though I have fished for 55 years if not a little longer I learn something every week. It would not be much fun if no information or tips are given out.

I think the story Buckeye wrote was very well done and if I did not know were we fished I could think of a dozen places it could have been in close proximity to the Chehalis.

Keep the reports coming, life is too short to get over concerned and not many reports name the exact spot were to fish and no one expects that I am sure.


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Re: Another day on the flow, January 22nd
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2005, 11:37:49 AM »

Ditto, Chris is so right about fishing spots. There ain't too many secret spots in a general sense.  These spots are only good when the conditions are just right. I used to have many hot spots in the mid/upper Vedder, they are all changed after a few floods, and I better spend the time to find new spots. It is a tough business to advise some one to go fish a 'hot' spot, and he comes home empty-handed and quite unhappy about your tips which wasted his fishing time.  :-[ :-X :'(

 You can have a top rod fishing a general area like Peach/Lickman and consistantly catch fish (because he intimately knows the inclination of the fish at a given water level), and others fishing blindly in a big stretch of water.  Generally, a good rod, upon arriving & looking at the river, will determine where the good spots may be, and adapt his fishing approaches accordingly. So the 'spots' are quite situational and transient.

This applies to the smaller systems like Morris, Weaver, Jones,etc. Every one knows where they are, and if you fish them at the wrong time and the wrong conditions, you are probably skunked. Only those who have spent the time to find out the moods and rythms of those systems will produce consistantly.

chris gadsden

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Re: Another day on the flow, January 22nd
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2005, 11:52:06 AM »

Nicely put funfish. ;D ;D