You are correct. The tunnel, and Alouette dam were first installed in order to feed the Stave's reservoir more water for more supply of Hydro power. However, unless I heard incorrectly, or mis-interpreted, I believe the tunnel is now used both ways. When the Alouette is low, and needs more water for fish cover,etc. they will draw water from the Stave side, and when the Stave needs more water for Hydro or fish cover, they will draw water from the Alouette side.
I am still in contact with the Hydro person I have talked with in the past. I will try to contact him again to see what the exact function of the turbine tunnel is.
Isn't a sad state of affairs when mans need of power is more important than the needs of nature. Why is the Coquitlam river being side stepped. Other dammed river's needs are being answered, why is the Coq. not as important? We have one screwed up government agenda here in Canada. When everybody stands up and makes a big enough stink, then SOMETIMES things get done. Until then though, the gov. will keep taking advantage of their position, as long as money plays a part. And what does money not have a part in?
Lets hope the Coquitlam has a reserection day. Sure would be nice to see that river back in shape!
Tight Lines.