that is both timely and specific to the river and a specific fish run...maybe there is hope for the DFO!
On a side note brood stocking for an early run so we could have and earlier hatchery red spring retention??? really. Brood stocking to build up the early run may not do a darn thing...a group of organisms are considered a unique group if they cant breed with others in their species (usually due do a geographic barrier). Is this early run just that: "early" fish ahead of the summer run of reds or is it a distinctive group that doesnt have the chance to mingle with the later group.
I have a feeling, just like summer/winter steelhead, they all spawn at the same time, they just enter the rivers at different points in time. If thats the case then an early fishery is kinda pointless becuase each year you are just going to get a random number from that population returning early...