Chris. Your timing is impeccable! Exact same time as last year's anti-jetboat campaign, minus a day, but then it was a leap year wasn't it.;topicseenI don't see any strength in the arguement that there should be a jetboat ban on the Vedder other than a few people don't like them. RA40 makes a very good point that they might then ban fishing because a few unfortunate souls have lost there lives on this river also, while fishing.
I have visited the Vedder for some 25 years now, and I have seen the changes between then and now. I can pretty much agree with anyone who makes the statement that the most damage being done to the Vedder River is done by visitors other than jetboats. Shore visitors who trample redds, improper disposal of garbage (putting it lightly), disrespect for riparian zone etc.
I will mention however that the garbage collection and restoration of habitat efforts by anglers on this system is most commendable, much of it being promoted and carried out by you and others on this board. I will also mention that I think you are one of the most respected and effective stewards of this resource that we all enjoy. Thanks to you.
But I sense a little bias when it comes to jetboats on the Vedder, by those who feel they don't belong, simply because they either don't own one or don't like them for whatever reasons. BTW I own a jetboat but have never flown the Vedder. Too risky for me, and when it comes to boating I don't take risks. For those who do, good luck.