Good posts from all and I am not trying to get the last word here and I am not picking on jet boats. I would like one also but it would be hard to part with the blue and white Leaf Craft.
I just really donot think it is necessary to power boat on the Vedder for just the reason to go for a boat ride as you do not need a power boat to access fishing spots. There is so many other spots we are so fortunate here in BC to take boat rides if that is what one likes to do, areas a lot safer and more scenic.
Maybe I am wrong in my thoughts but one has to stand by them in what one believes as do those with different thoughts ones that I always try to respect. That is what my dad and many others dads, mothers, grandparents fought for, the democratic process.
Now not to hyjack this thread as I am running late for my fishing trip as a spring waits for me this afternoon or tomorrow. I am late as I took my row boat, no not the Leaf Craft
to bring to shore a rubber boat lodged in a log jam just above the Freeway Bridge. If anyone lost one recently let me know.
I also got two Drennans from the log jam but they are finders keepers.
Keep the thoughts coming while I am on my fishing adventure but be kind to me.
Remember to check the story on the web of the Chilliwack Progress about the incident, it will be posted by tomorrow I am sure. I see my paper just came so will read it now but will not comment further for now, time to give others a chance to dive into the subject.