Hey Chris, when you starting your guiding buisness? 'Maple Leaf Adventures' theres a name for you to use. Thanks for the read.
Sounds very good thanks, for the name suggestion. "Maple Leaf Adventures" has to do some chores today and a couple of meeting but tomorrow things will start
rolling, rolling, rolling right along again right FA.
Not to hyjack my own thread but at the SDA meeting last night it was mentioned there was a item on the Global TV on the 6 o'clock news on Tuesday about how a couple of FOC officials were blaming last years missing sockeye on the warm water condition. Apparently they never mentioned the real reason a lot of them disappeared off the radar screen, that of course was by illegall fishing. They are also preparing the public for the same senario this year as they forcast more warm water conditions. Talk about spin doctors at work.
As well last year when out on the river I did not see that many dead floating fish.
The main reason I post this I wonder if anyone typed the news that night and still has a copy, if so please e-mail me as the SDA would appreciate a copy.
Sorry to be putting this in here under this topic, no need to add to it, if so maybe start a new thread. Thanks