Last weekend on the Vedder River just above the BC Hydro Bridge there was either a two day grad party or just a party of some youth. The RCMP were notified but not before some wanton damage took place, garbage, broken glass, toilet paper and what goes with it every where and the needless chopping down of some lovely trees. The broken glass is terrible and will most likely cut some ones feet while trying to swim in this area when summer eventually arrives. Also some animals will most likely suffer the same fate.
They know so little about camping and fire making as they cut down green trees that will not burn anyway. In doing their evil deeds they broke one of their axes and threw it in river.
Another fellow and I cleaaned up some of the mess but we did not get it all. As the RCMP did attend may carry this file on further after consulting our other CVRCC directors.
It is just terrible that people have such disregard for our environment. When gates go up and access denied do not ask why because it is action of these vandals that caused it.
Will send a couple of photo's for Rodney to post shortly.