Thanks for the info guys, I was thinking along the same lines. Bacteria are not really a concern, unless you don't handle the meat properly and allow it to spoil. Worms or invertebrate organisms in the meat are the potential problem (that's why you can eat raw beef but not raw pork), but salt water fish are less prone to worms in the flesh than fresh water fish. I don't think I would freeze a fish if I caught it in the ocean, the only thing I am not sure about is how long it takes a fish to develop worms in the flesh once it enters fresh water(if at all). Some people don't like to freeze fish because they feel it affects the flavour and texture of the sashimi, but I have had sashimi from both restaurants and at home from frozen tuna and it has been excellent, so I don't think it is that big a deal. Next chromer I get I think I'll give it a shot. I would think sockeye, coho, and springs(red or white) would all be good, anyone ever tried pink salmon?