Just have to say that seal culls are a necessary thing for the Strait of Georgia considering that salmon stocks are dwindling, and believe me, they do take a lot of fish you hook depending on where you fish.
By the way...as for seal culls...they kill hundreds in Georgia Strait every year.
As for you folks on here that protest that, publicity is just that, designed to suit a purpose..and you anti seal cull supporters usually use propaganda as opposed to facts to suit your purpose.
FACT: the seal population is great than it was. FACT: the lack of availability of alternative food sources for seals has them turning to salmon.
FACT: The main predators for seals and sea lions are killer whales of which don't spend as much time on inner coast waters due to lack of food.
Anyone that has lost dozens of trophy size tyees and 40, 50, and 60 lb fish to Sea Lions as a professional guide in Georgia Strait and the Queen Charlottes, like myself, can tell you that there is a SEAL PROBLEM in Georgia Strait.
I am not going to argue...with anyone...but I know a few people who are scientists and researchers from the Vancouver Aquarium and FOC who can confirm what I said.