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Author Topic: A 10 Pound Plus Rainbow. But What Did I Catch? Merritt Lakes July 16 To 18  (Read 5715 times)

chris gadsden

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With the hot weather now apparently finally here I thought I should venture East for one more lake fishing trip before as the "Master" calls them, the doldrums set in because of the warm water conditions. Apparently this sends the fish to the deeper parts of the lake making them hard to get at.

I had made one overnight trip a few days ago that I ran out of time to report on but I had a number of chances and only landed one. This lack of success drives me to keep at it, to try and master the art of fly fishing.

As well the dirty conditions of the Fraser had not let the bar fishing start for me yet.

My day Saturday got off to a very early start earlier than I had planned for. A drunk driver took out the neighbour's hedge around 3 am and then tore through the lawn with flat tires after hitting some rocks and then tried to get through a heavy duty fence to get back on the road. I did not hear all this but my wife did and went out to investigate and phoned the RCMP. She came back in and I finally woke up ???, she said the RCMP told her the fellow most likely would not survive so that upset us both. I then could not get back to sleep. ( We found out later the chap did make it)

Why, why do people continue to drink and drive. Life is so precious to throw away because of too much to drink. Imagine all the grief you can cause to your love ones left behind as well, life will never be the same afterwards for them.

Anyway I could not get back to sleep so went to Tim's for a coffee and work on some paper work so I could be away for a few days. Ran into the RCMP that were at the accident scene and it was there they told me the fellow would be ok.

Buckeye also wanted to go to the lake for a day trip but I could not promise when I could get way and the events before had also delayed me.

Buckeye picks ups Leaf Craft 2 around 9 and I tell him I will try to be there around 2. I copy the map for him outlining the route to the lake I had been fishing.

I am finally on the road by 3 ish, so much for being there by 2. :-[

As I reach the toll booth on the Coq. a multitude of RCMP officiers are there also, I even recognize some from Chilliwack. As I pay my toll, drive just pass the booth I am asked for my drivers license but of course I could not locate it among all my money. ;D ;D Do you have this happenen also and do your hands shake as you look like a criminal as you are franticially searching for the documents. The officier is very nice, must be a Leaf fan and noticed all the leaf decals on the Leaf Mobile and Leaf Craft# 3. He says "if you do not find your license a credit card will do", I still donot know what that statement meant. ??? Was it to pay a fine for not producing a drivers license. ;D ;D. Just then he spots it in my wallet among all the paper before I did and I happily produce it. :D Then I regain my composer I am on my way. Glad he did not spot all the bottles in the back of the LM I had picked up just before the booth when I stopped to stretch my legs. If so I would have joined those pulled over at the road block. I guess it pays to be a Leaf fan Fish A.. ;D

As I reach the lake, Buckeye is just leaving as I meet him on the road out. He tells me nothing and no one else got any either, is the doldrums setting in allready as "the Master" says they would be.

I quickly unload the LC and are on the lake for a couple hours of fishing but nary a bite.

Near dark I see a couple of fellows heading to an adjoining lake, a bit late I think to myself.

As I sit comfortable around my campfire enjoying supper and the near full moon I hear shouts of jubilation from the pair. The noise was something else, I almost thought I was at the Merritt music festival but that was many miles and mountain ranges away.

With supper completed the shouts of "there another" got the better of me and I walked through the now complete darkness towards the lake. When I get there I can not see the two fellows in their float tubes but one fellow is fighting a fish and I get the play by play. "Its a dandy, look at in run" he says. Look at it run, how can he see anything, what are they doing fishing at 10:30 at night I think. the running commentary continues, "now he is in some lily pads", ok but yours truly can see nothing even though I guess there is some illumination from the moon high in the crystal clear mountain sky.

Seeing nothing I head back to the comfort of the campfire and you can hear everything anyway as the voices vibrate through the valleys between the lakes. As I settle into the lawn chair I hear success as the lucky one says to his partner " you will not believe the size of this rainbow". "right on man is the reply".

About 30 mintes later, close to 11 pm I see the results as they pass my campsite, a monster of a rainbow. The lucky one is toting a lovely fish that I estimate to be at least 10 pounds, I never dreamed they caught them this big in the lakes I am fishing. The successful angler's partner also has 3, but are a lot smaller to say the least. Trolling leechs they say as they happly head to their camp site to join their lady friends or wives, to tell them of the story that I heard, wish I had just turned on my video camera to capture the sounds of this historic battle in the dark.

I know I will be paying a trip the next morning to see the fish in the light and weigh it as they told me they had no scales. Also I wanted to hear some tips how to fish in the dark, get a picture if possible of this monster hoping maybe I could get one half that size.

As I climb into the Leaf Mobile Hilton and I drift off to sleep, I hazzard to guess you may agree it has been an interesting trip so far. I also think of the day ahead and what it may offer. More to come as I have to go to a dentist appointment now and get the pictures from the trip developed. ;D For those that may be interested stay tunned.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2005, 08:24:04 AM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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The night passes very quickly it seems and before I know it the new day is breaking. As I make breakfast I notice there is not  a cloud in the sky, a blue bird day ahead. I decide after breakfast to give the lake I fished yesterday another try, lots of time to head to 10 Pound Rainbow Lake. ;D

Also I was told on my last trip here I could traverse between the two lakes, that would be great as I would not have to reload and unload LC#3.

After breakfast I head to see the now famous fish in the daylight and weigh it on my digital scales.
As I row over to their camp that I see the 4 campers are stiring as they have their breakfast on the go. I ask them if they wish me to weigh the trophy rainbow and if I could shoot it on camera and on video. They agree and as the lucky one pulls it from the ice chest it sure looked to me all of 10 pounds.

As the scales are set to 0, the fish hooked on, the numbers flash over 10 and settle in at 10.8 pounds, that equals just under 10 pounds 13 ounces. ;D ;D I and the anglers agree that it would have hit the scales last night at 11 as it would have lost a little weight since it was landed. 10 Pound Lake is now 11 Pound Lake. ;D

The story is related on video and they are good enough to give me a couple of flies including one I believe they called a Wooly Bugger, brown in colour. I greatfully accept and thank them for their generous gift. I will save it for tonight.

I try chironomid fishing until after lunch and nary a bite. I observe a few other anglers with the same amount of success. After lunch I decide to try to work over to 11 Pound Lake by boat that an angler on my last trip said I could do. He also had told me a short cut to get to the main highway that turned out to be twice as far ??? but the scenery was nice on this detour and I saw a few deer on the way. It was a bit of a miserable trip otherwise that evening as I got caught in a bit of a rain storm.

This attempt now to reach the lake turned out to be another tall tale as after that seemed to be an hour of using one of my oars as a pole and feeling like being in the Amazon jungle I reached a point that I could go no further. I got out to scout and while doing so I slipped off a log sinking up to my one knee in the mud. What a hell hole and I was surprised there was no croc's or alligators there to make it more interesting. >:( I briefly thought of pulling the Leaf Craft overland but gave that up as a bad idea after seeing a 100 yards or so of fallen logs etc.

Back I pole in the 25 celius heat, through the lily pads, cattails, mud, sunken logs and everything else this unfriendly environment could throw at me. At one time it did look like beautiful scenery from afar.

 Now defeated and very worn out I load the LC and everything in it and drive the short distance to 11 Pound Rainbow Lake and now decide I should have done this in the first place. ::)

I decide to chironomid fish a bit and after missing 3 I land my first of the trip, a small fish of about 13 inches. I retain it as I want to check its stomack contents to see what it had been dining on. After supper and doing so I find nothing that I could reconize and very little anyway. It looked what "The Master" said is true, with the warm water now approaching the fish stop feeding as they had been. As well the fish I had landed was a fat little guy, well nourished to when he would have started feeding with the onset of Fall a couple of months away.

With supper completed and darkness now approaching, time to put the tips I have garnered this morning into practice and but the Wholly Bugger to the test. :D I have the lake to myself except for all the bird life that is sharing their home with me once again.

I attach this little bundle of treasure to my sinking line and start to row around the lake, not knowing should I row fast or slow. I forgot to ask the experts this. I see the moon rising high above me, it looks to be a near full one. I film it on video to maybe set the scene as a prelude of hooking a fish. The birds are still chattering their goodnight messages to me, the lake is flat calm except for the sounds of rising fish I hear but can not see. As I near the end of the lake where I am camped a beauty of a fish jumps about 10 feet from me. It is that close I can see it is a nice sized one. I say to myself, "would I ever like to hook it" It must have been 30 seconds later, no more and my wish was granted. A slight tug and then line peels from the small fly reel, a massive series of jumps follow. Its him, I am sure as I feel like shouting out to anyone that would have been there to listen but being a reserved person I just settle back to see if I can land this, maybe to me a once in a life time fish. I know it is bigger than the 5 pounder I landed a few weeks ago while fishing with Nick. ;D

I decide wisely not to try to film it during the fight as I remember I tried it last year with a good sized one on and because of this stupid move I lost it.

The fish continues to take line, I cannot see in the darkness how much line is left, I know I am down to the backing. The fish then slack lines me racing towards me trying to rid itself of that Bugger of a fly ( I hate that name for a fly but hey one should not criticize success) that I hope is firmly hooked in its jaw. The fish begins to tire but not before it clears the water once again near the boat, its silver sides illuminated in the moon's rays that are streaming through the surrounding trees.

With this last jump its enery now exhausted it surrenders to my waiting net that is shaking in my still trembling hands. I film it and then try a photo of it in the bottom of the LC but camera jams, batteries dead, what a time to have this happen. I fumble around the boat and find a couple of spare batteries and am able to get a shot or two. I weight it and I thought it read 6 pounds which of course I was very pleased with. More fish continue to jump but with the time now past 10:30 I am satisfied with my catch and besides my long day especially with that traverse attempt earlier in the day I am exhausted.

I put the fish on ice, too tired to clean it, besides it can wait as the next day is less than 5 hours away.

The Leaf Mobile Hilton is a pleasant place to be as I fall a sleep in record time. Before I know it daylight is here. I shoot another shot of the fish along with the rod and reel. I then cleanthe fish and it has none or little food to be seen. O, I weighted it and it shows 6.4 pounds that eguals 6 pounds 5 ounces, must have read it incorrectly in the darkness last night.

Todays events are anti climantic. Even though the day starts calm a strong wind blows up by noon but not before I lose 3, land one around 15 inches and miss about 5 before the wind gets to strong for my anchors to hold. I lost one on the lucky fly but decide to stash it away so I can buy one that looks similar for my next trip, most likely not to things cool down in the Fall.

As I pack up and prepare to leave I know I will be back, I am now hooked on this lake fishing, even if it took a Wooly Bugger to do it. I detoured through Merritt as I needed a Tim Horton's coffee and as well to toast my success and do some ball stat's that were due the next day. The remnant of fans of the Merritt Music Festival are leaving Merritt as well. I am sure they had a good time, hearing and dancing to some famous stars but I was more than happy to see dancing of another tune as the memory of a dancing rainbow shinning in a full moon will last in my memory for a long time.

Time now to do some bar fishing as reports start to pour in of success. Maple Leaf Bar now awaits, are you ready Dragon Speed, Rodney, Nina, and Fish A., the Leaf Craft is ready to start rolling, rolling, rolling right along once again. ;D ;D ;D

O, photo's to follow later tonight for those interested.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 10:21:53 AM by chris gadsden »

Fish Assassin

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Nice story Chris. A 10 lb. rainbow eh ? Typical of a Leaf fan to exaggerate ! ;D Remember 1967  ;D ;D


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Great Report. What color was your fly. (Wholly Bugger)
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chris gadsden

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Great Report. What color was your fly. (Wholly Bugger)
Did I  spell it wrong? I am a rookie fly fisher so I have a lot to learn. It was a brown one that I may save to put above the picture of the fish. ;D

Will be posting the pix soon of the fish.

chris gadsden

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Nice story Chris. A 10 lb. rainbow eh ? Typical of a Leaf fan to exaggerate ! ;D Remember 1967  ;D ;D
11 pounds. ;D ;D


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here is a 10 pound plus rainbow.

and here is one of many 10 pound plus fish my gf caught this year.

all released to thrill another fisherman.
If you are going to kill a fish to eat, don't kill the hogs, first of all they are not as good eating as a 2pound fish. and there are not alot of those big fish around. If people keep killing them there will be none left. Take a pic and let another person catch it.

chris gadsden

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Abito, very nice fish you have and the points you make are very valid ones.

 I feel a little guilty now about keeping my 6 pound plus one. Not that it makes much difference when we talk catch and release but the fish I kept is one of the sterile fish they are now stocking some lakes with. I agree giving the thrill to someone else to have the chance of landing the fish I  caught, landed and if I had released it is well worth considering in my future trips. I was a rookie fly chucker I guess and it may have showed by me retaining the fish. On the other hand my wife disagrees with you as the fish was lovely eating. ;D ;D With all the chemicials in the foods now a days I think eating wild is better for us.

Next time I think I will snap a photo of the big one, if I ever get one that large again and bring home the 2 pounders to keep my wife happy so I can contiue to go fishing whenever I like.

I am lucky to have a very understanding wife after 40 years this coming October. ;D

Thanks for the post once again abito and tomorrow I go for a bar fishing trip on the Fraser and I hope to be landing one bigger than 6 pounds ;D ;D.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 07:00:04 PM by chris gadsden »


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 :o  Man Abito those are some sweet pics!!  Checked out your photo gallery .....very impressive! ;D  Care to give a guy some advice on catching several Monster sized fish?  ::)  I'll check my pm's later. ;) ;D ::) :P

P.S.  Nice to see a woman who can hold her own! :o  Oh ya greAT STORYS cHRIS....always a pleasure to read.  8)


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Chris' trout photos

« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 11:49:38 PM by Rodney »


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Yeah 11lbs... 5wt, 4lb tippet 35 minute fight in the dark

Nice story Chris. A 10 lb. rainbow eh ? Typical of a Leaf fan to exaggerate ! ;D Remember 1967  ;D ;D
11 pounds. ;D ;D

He ain't exaggerating, My brother-in-law got the fish...

Here's some pics taken Sunday night when he stop by to show me the fish, from a post in the fly fishing cafe:

Chris: I had emailed you about your previous trip, and mentioned my b-in-l was heading up there... You'll have to send some pics my way if you get the chance. I also wouldn't mind seeing the video you got.


chris gadsden

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Yes I remember now. I am actually transfering the video I shot onto a DVD now. PM me your address and I will send you one, I owe it to you for the fly you gave me, without it I would not have caught my fish. I have to get another like it as I am going to save it as after I got the fish I was scared I would loose it. ;D ;D

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Talking about big rainbows I was catching up on my newspaper reading tonight and I was reading the fishing report from last Friday's Vancouver Sun.

I see a report from Powerkeg Outdoor Supply in Merritt they report fish in Corbett Lake that are world class fish to 15 pounds being taken there. I understand this is a private lake and there is a charge for those others not staying at the Inn that wish to fish it.

Anyone know the charge and I imagine it is a catch and release only. Might be worth a try one day but I imagine it is for the elite fly fishers and a beginner like me would be frowned on as I do not have all the super gear that these anglers would have. ::)

 I just remember as it is on the East West Connector I saw a fellow with a big one on last year while driving by I stopped and filmed him but he ended up losing it.I heard him say was the biggest fish he had ever had on at Corbett. I guess they are like the ones in abito's photo's above, different looking fish than the ones fluidcoast and I posted.


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Heres their web site for the rates
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chris gadsden

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Heres their web site for the rates
Thanks very much. By the way the fish in the picture on their site look similar to the ones that albito caught and showed us the photo's of. ;D ;D