Here is the latest from the panel.
Subject: FR Panel update - 7-Aug 2005
Hi, all!
Just a quick update from today's FR Panel call. Little good news, I'm
afraid. The one big A20 GN test fishery day of 1402 soxi was followed by a
catch of 148 and 144. PSC staff indicated that the test fishery catches are
not building the way that they were expecting and that right now, when
looking at Mission escapement numbers through to date as well as projected
through to 12-Aug, the Summer run is either well below the 75p level of 7.8M
fish OR much later than 8 days late.
Early Summer escapement was also lower than expected, on average, the run
size models are coming up with the same numbers as on Friday (in the
150K-250K range) and the PSC does not have enough information to move off of
the 250K number. However, they did mention that if the escapement into the
river continues at a slow pace, they may have to downgrade the run size.
Weaver fish have been ID'd in both approaches. When asked, PSC staff said
that they were not surprised at the presence of Late run fish in the
approaches, as Summer run fish have been seen for about a week, now. The
worrisome thing is the lack of Summer abundance which would normally swamp
out the ability to detect Late run fish.
PSC staff will have a Harrison sockeye run size estimate on Tuesday as well
as a very preliminary Summer run run size estimate.
On the good news side, the fish which have been seen by the BC Interior
stock assessment staff have been in good shape.
More (hopefully better) news on Tuesday.