They mean to use fishing methods that would minimize the chance of hooking a sockeye salmon, which is closed for retention. ie. spinning for them, float fishing for them, etc.
It's unbelievable how people can be so fixated to the sockeye fishery and so angry when an opening is not granted. You've lost two weeks of sockeye fishery, but you've just been granted with a pink fishery that we have been asking for weeks! The entire Fraser River is opened for pink and chinook salmon fishing, coho and pinks will start to emerge in the Vedder soon, what more do people want?
DFO has a mandate to allocate the quotas based on what has been decided by the government. If you feel that you have been unfairly treated, write and send in your concerns to have the laws changed.
My interest is in the well being of the fish stocks. I think the FN fishery has flaws that need to be fixed and will continue to do so by pressuring DFO to make sure all fisheries are properly managed.