BB'ers are not helping any communities. Lets see the sockeye season was open for a whole 6 days and you think that it helps the community? Give me a break. Places like Hope rely on truckers and tourists not the fishermen so much.I know guide(s) that only barfish from their boats. They stay away from those so called gong shows. I also dont agree with BB'ing for fish and those guides dont have allot of choices since they have to please their clients.They should inform the clients that the fish they are about to catch are not actually biting the offering. Let the client decide on how they want to fish. Nothing wrong with barfishing. Give it a try and you may never go back...
first of all, i was speaking figuratively. specificly, i was referring to the fishing industry, which is tied to tourism.
as far as the guides are concerned, they are aware that the sockeye fishery is a meat fishery...just like commercial netters, so why would they refuse a client that wants to harvest a fish or two? don't you think if they were able to, they would fish alternatively?
if its strictly about the ethics, in which you oppose the way these fish are being caught, then it is fair for me to assume (since you don't partake in this fishery) that you don't buy or eat sockeye....fresh, frozen, or smoked. because we all agree, sockeye fishing is not a sport... therefore since you oppose any 'snagging/flossing' methods... you oppose the harvesting of these fish and will not support it by buying or eating them.
....and just to set the record straight, i love Hope. i think its a beautiful town.... but this 'our town..our river' mentality is displaced, considering that without 'outside' revenue, it's nothing more than a truck stop.
no one ever plans to go to Hope for the sake of the town itself. if they do, it's to go fishing and camping, or to take a pit stop....that's the reality.