i have generally fished 6 through 10 pound maxima as leader on the chilliwack. I generally (95%) of the time fish the pockety runs in the upper stretches. typical rig for moderate semi clear flow would be 15 main 8 leader, targetting coho. I have on numerous occasions, 5 I have pictures of, landed 35 to 44 lbs clean white springs with this rig. these fish were all hooked on procured roe, #2 gami hook and 18 inch 8lbs leader and bit not flossed. All landed in under 20 minutes each. Technique in fighting big fish on lighter line and having a rod that flexes properly with enough give versus backbone is really the key to subdue big fish reasonably quickly on light lines, drag adjustment is a big factor too.
don't get me wrong. i'm not trying to troll or start any debate, but 44 lbs?....using an 8 lbs test?

the last time i hooked onto a 40+ lbs spring, it fought like a 50+ pounder. it just doesn't sound right.
seems too big a gap between the numbers.
44 lbs of dead weight dragged through the water with an 8 lbs test is a feat in itself, but to have 44 lbs. of it fighting almost seems mathematically not possible.
i've landed 25 lbs springs with 8 lbs test, but a tyee? i have yet to.