o.k. maybe the topic heading needs to be changed however, point is rod, wether this was a legal opening or not.... there is no damn good reason for FOC/DFO to allow anymore FN fisheries right now, this close to the migration of thompson coho. Bait bans have been applied on recreation fisheries on lower fraser effective september 6 and mission bridge up, september 8th... to coincide with the endangered coho and steelhead conservation plans. Also non tidal recreation fisheries for sockeye are closed in the waters of this opening and a closure to the upper fraser pink and spring fishery is imminent as well, ALL coinciding with the endangered coho conservation plan.
some one explain to me how allowing ANOTHER FN gillnet fishery fits into this "so called" coho conservation plan. I see all rationality and common sense pouring out of our government like a water bucket blasted with buckshot. I am truly horified by the display of incompetence and lack of judgement that those making the decisions are making, they really do think we are just stupid taxed to death citizens who will continue as always to roll over and say ba ah aha like the sheep they prefer us to be.