If you are on the tamahi bridge and not the keith wilson, then if you were looking down you would see a big rock, there will be a few runs and some pocket water in that section. Depending on what bait you have, you would want to toss some roe all around the big rock and let the current take it down river a bit. You would also want to try a colorado (silver) through that water as well.But when using colorados remamber to keep your line in water that is flowing a bit faster. Keep your float set at the right height( about 6-12"above the bottom) and you won't need to use a leader any longer than 24". If you are drifting through fast water you can set even less distance between float and weight, less chance of getting snagged up on something. Remember, fish can see up but not down. So it is useless to be dragging the bottom for a fish that will bite!!!!!! Just try to keep your line tight to the float and you will feel the hit, even the soft ones!!!
GOOD LUCK!!!! Post when you get back I'm interested to know how the river is up there!!!!