So this morning I dragged myself out of bed at 7:00am finally and managed to get to the river before the tide peaked. I was looking for some solitude, but only to find my secret spot crowded by people who had also lost their sanity.

gman was already spinning away before work, Fish Assassin was also on site. A few fish were rolling, I did not waste anytime to get some casts in.
Soon after I started, gman was into a fish, which he landed minutes later. I had one on briefly while everyone else was looking away.

After gman left, I landed two bucks that were in very good shape but did not fight as hard as I expected near the beginning.
Small schools of fish moving in once again, but outings can still be productive.

Few things to remember
- You need a tidal sportfishing licence when fishing in the tidal Fraser River.
- You need to purchase a salmon conservation stamp if you intend to keep your pink salmon.
- Daily quota for pink salmon is four fish in tidal Fraser River.
- Daily quota for chinook salmon is four fish in tidal Fraser River, but only one maybe over 50cm.
- You may only keep four salmon (mixed species) in total per day.
- Only a single barbless hook is allowed on the lure.
- Bait ban is in effect between September 6th and October 7th
- You must release any sockeye and wild coho carefully.
- Pink salmon have large oval spots on their back and tail. Sockeye salmon do not have spots. Chinook salmon have tiny black spots on its back and tail.
- Complete tidal Fraser River salmon regulations can be found on this page.
- Report all fishing violations to DFO Steveston 604-664-9250.
- Make sure you have a good fillet knife to clean your catch and a cooler with ice to keep your it fresh.