Didn't get out of the house till around 11 today. Yes I know, targetting coho, it is not the best time to start fishing. First light or evening being ideal. I was very spectacle on how today could be, clear and sunny with the water low and clear, didn't know what my chances would be like.

Got to the area I planned to fish, not a soul around and no fish either. Started off with boraxed pink roe and first cast was into some light taps as my float bounced a couple times. Was using a new reel today, first time out with a centerpin, borrowing Rodney's Islander for the season........too bad I'm hooked using it now.

An hour went by with no solid hookups, only saw a big spring jump but kept confident. Moved upriver and found another
virgin run. Within 5 casts I was into a big Chinook. As much as I hate them it gave me a good fight and broke in the pin. Was released after pic. (Pic below)

Tried a little while more and hooked up with a very chrome small coho or jack spring, came off.
Decided to rig up the fly rod and gave 'er for about 45 minutes, finally hooked up a jack spring and fight was on. Put up a good scrap and was brought to hand.

Went back to the centerpin and tried a colorado blade, nothing then went back to using roe. I'm glad I did.

Float bounced twice on a drift, I lifted my rod tip and fish on, this take felt very different then any other in the day. Soon the fish is circling around and kicking at the surface. 5 Minute battle and my first
Coho of the season is brought to hand. A hatchery female of about 5lbs.

Fished a little bit more and hooked a couple more coho as well as landed 2 more jack springs which I released. Great day on the water.