Hmmm. Sorry to carry on this debate - as it's not really related to the original topic. But as I read the Lower Mainland Regional Regulations - it says
2 hatchery steelhead allowed - in brackets, under Regional Daily Catch Quotas. Also - the regulation also specifically states that
When you have caught and retained your daily quota of hatchery steelhead from any water, you must stop fishing that water for the remainder of the day. If you look under the specific water - i.e. Chillwack River, it states that the hatchery steelhead daily quota is 1. This is also true for the Chehalis. But the Stave River isn't listed (I couldn't find it in the Table). So does that mean that for the Stave - the general quota of 2 hatchery steelhead applies? The above also implies that you can indeed retain a hatchery steelhead from one river - then go to another river and retain another. This would make the possession limit equal 4 fish! Interesting.
BTW - I've never retained a hatchery steelhead - and yes, I have caught them on the fly. I'm not really interested in retaining steelhead - so I guess I've never really paid attention to the retention issue. I always figured it was one per day. Hey - we may have just learned something new! Isn't that the purpose of a forum such as this?