Ah...Oak Bay...er Joke Bay. I just HOWL at the guys I see on the Marabelle and Charlotte Princess when I am up at Langara.....those guys catch fish, and do ok..but honestly now, if someone pays the big $$$ to go there, just get a GUIDE. I remember one time a new guide that came over from "the west coast" and was shooting his mouth off about fish here, and fish there..and blah blah blah...I went back to the dock that after having kept 4 tyees, 1 for each of my guests, and having released 36 Springs of which none were under 20 lbs, and that was in just 5 hours! The new guide....shall we say... managed 5 springs in that same stretch.
This was a very tough year up at Langara from what I am hearing from my buddies...not a Langara year at all, and it took a while for something resembling Langara fishing to show up.
If anyone on these forums does book for trips out on the coast, I sincerely recommend a guide for many reasons, but in the end, the trip of a lifetime is worth it.