Here is the report from the weekend:
I tried the 1st road pier in the village, and all I got with squid was crabs on the hook. Current was too strong also, only got seaweed tangling up on line and sinkers. Next stop was the crab dock on 4th road. Current wasn't too bad there, but other than a sculpin there was no fish...
Went onto some rocks just outside the hotel and cast mussel into the tides, and got a nice 12" perch almost instantly. Hard to tell the fish bite though since the tides rolling in are so strong they bounce your weight off as well.
Kept the fish out on the balcony over night in a plastic bag, and although it was still there when going for breakfast it was all gone, including the bag after coming back, some seagull must have snatched it off.
Very impressed with Tofino, not necessarily with the fishing, but the beaches are great. Liked casting away into the incoming waves, didn't think perch are brave enough to go in there...