Day started well with a nice chum on roe second cast. I thought to myself that it was going to be a banner day since this doesn't happen to often to me. Sight-casted to a decent spring that i saw from shore and it took it third cast. I was wondering how i didn't spook it as I had walked past it earlier but then I noticed it had a foggy eye on the side closest to me so it didn't even know I was there. I lost it eventually but I was pleased overall that it took the offering. That was it for the fun on the middle river.
Went up to the hatchery as I figured some coho would be around there near the limit hole. I don't fish at all around here and I don't think I'll go back, just didn't like what I was seeing - close quarters, but a fair number of fish around. Ending up busting off a complete rig and while setting up, my spare leader spool of maxima rolled out of my vest and made its way downstream

. So, out of leader and out of luck, I went back down to Lickman and figured I'd just go find chum. Lots of chum there, but again not interested in me anymore. Guys hooking up on either side, but ignoring me. Tried all sorts of combinations of lures, wool, roe - deep, shallow - nothing. Gave up at 5 and headed back to the car for the drive to Burnaby. Glad the Canucks won.
Water is a great colour, still fairly high and strong. No rain when I left but i'm sure its on its way.