I agree with Iron. Unless you are a vegetarian or a pure catch & release guy, every time you go out fishing & bring fish home, you are fishing for meat. Perhaps meat fishermen are the norm.

We have to be careful to label some one who is good at limiting out in coho as 'meat' fishermen. If we develop a popularized mentality that every time we see a guy walking out with 4 chrome coho while others seem to struggle, he is suspect of illegal activity, or his technique must be questionable or unethical, then we are into stereotyping.

This is particularly dangerous for younger fishermen who have a year or two under their belt and then start formulating this opinion that any one not fishing the way he or his buddies fish does not fit into the norm, and therefore subject to criticism or suspicion.
I treat fishing techniques like martial arts. There are different masters of different schools or disciplines, and each spent a life time to perfect his/her style, and each is effective and skilled. If you don't practice, say, Tai Chi or Judo, how justified is it to comment that their styles are not legitimate because they don't knock the opponent out with a power punch or a lightning kick? So should Ali deem Bruce Lee not a legitimate fighter because he does not fit the mode of a boxer and knock you out with his lightning kicks rather than using the fists?

In fishing, you have guys good at baits, hardwares, flies, artificials and what have u, and within each are subdivided into various types. There are also the people who like to fish w/o spotting the fish, and those who prefers to cast to sighted fish. I always get a kick out of some of the fishing shows when they cast to huge tarpons crusing by, or barracuda, or bone fish. The polarized sunglasses are needed for these folks. There is nothing wrong with that. It is up to you to choose how you want to fish legally, and how you enjoy your style is none of the business of others.
Let's have an open mind. If you see obvious violations, then report. Otherwise, have some respect for the success of others.