haha, well i used to be like you with coho as well, and my dad kept telling my corddd take your time... i never listened and i lost about 10 coho and got madd, and he kapt landing them. then i stop hoarseing them in and landed a few, then landed more.
Don't let Searun fool you. He always heckles me when I am fighting a fish!!!!! I guess that he's a bit jealous that I get a lot more fish than him!!!!!!
Like one time this summer, he hooked a nice red, played it good, and I did a nice job of grabbing it for him!!!! In fact I have never chubbad one of his fish while tailing it!!!!! Then right after that I hook into a nice one as well, fought it hard, got it to shore, then Searun goes a tails it, turns around to show me I guess and throws it back in the water!!!!
He said that it slipped
The kicker is, while I was playin the fish he said," dammit Dave, everytime I get a fish, you have to come right back and within 10 min get one as well!!!!!". Keep in mind that we were on the water for about 7 hrs that day with not a single hit, then he got one and right away I hit one as well!!!!! So you could understand how the circumstances seem kind of fishy to me!!!!!
Sorry Searun the truth must be told!!!!!
Ps, you are so going to post that damn video now aren't you!!!!