Fished there a couple of weeks ago. The most popular pools are short distance upstream of the hatchery. You'll see the cars parked on the side of the road and a very definite trail leading from there. In the area I had something bright and silver flash first at a Colorado, and then at a jig, in the lee of the rock but I couldn't bring him home.
Further upstream of the pools I found a small slot with some chum hovering around. The slot wasn't deep but the tannin coloured water obscured the bottom. I snugged my lead directly under the float and hung the jig below a short leader. First drift the float dipped, I set the hook, and very large coloured coho started wallowing. He didn't have much room to fight as my drfit rod could easily touch shore on the other side of this side channel. He was a large hatch buck, coloured with a very pronounced kype, so he was released.
The creek is small with not huge numbers of fish but it's a very pretty coastal stream (aren't they all though?) and lots of different types of water to poke around in. Have fun.